
Leagues are how contestants of THE FINALS are ranked in competitive game modes. There are 5 regular leagues: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond. Each league offers exclusive seasonal rewards, and consists of 4 sub-leagues that are progressed by competing in ranked Terminal Attack. The sixth league, Ruby, is exclusive to the top 500 players on the leaderboard at the end of each season.

League Progression

Before being placed into a league, contestants play 8 placement matches to determine their starting Rank Score (RS). Afterwards, they may be promoted or demoted to new leagues and sub-tiers depending on their RS gain or losses in ranked matches.

Bronze 4 Bronze 3 Bronze 2 Bronze 1
League Bronze 4.png League Bronze 3.png League Bronze 2.png League Bronze 1.png
0 RS 2,500 RS 5,000 RS 7,500 RS

Silver 4 Silver 3 Silver 2 Silver 1
League Silver 4.png League Silver 3.png League Silver 2.png League Silver 1.png
10,000 RS 12,500 RS 15,000 RS 17,500 RS

Gold 4 Gold 3 Gold 2 Gold 1
League Gold 4.png League Gold 3.png League Gold 2.png League Gold 1.png
20,000 RS 22,500 RS 25,000 RS 27,500 RS

Platinum 4 Platinum 3 Platinum 2 Platinum 1
League Platinum 4.png League Platinum 3.png League Platinum 2.png League Platinum 1.png
30,000 RS 35,000 RS 40,000 RS 45,000 RS

Diamond 4 Diamond 3 Diamond 2 Diamond 1
League Diamond 4.png League Diamond 3.png League Diamond 2.png League Diamond 1.png
50,000 RS 55,000 RS 60,000 RS 65,000 RS

League Ruby.png
Top 500


Exclusive rewards are granted to contestants depending on the highest league they reached at any point during each season. These rewards are granted after a season ends.

S3 Bronze Preview.png S3 Silver Preview.png S3 Gold Preview.png S3 Platinum Preview.png S3 Diamond Preview.png S3 Ruby Preview.png

Image League Name Rarity Type Description
Legendary S2 SHINE.png DIAMOND S2 SHINE LEGENDARY WEAPON SKIN // FCAR A limited-edition reward for reaching Diamond League in Season 2.
Legendary S2 DIAMOND-Charm.png DIAMOND S2 DIAMOND LEGENDARY WEAPON CHARM For contestants who reached Diamond League in Season 2.
Legendary S2 DIAMOND-Sticker.png DIAMOND S2 DIAMOND LEGENDARY STICKER For contestants who reached Diamond League in Season 2.
Legendary PLATINUM PEAK.png PLATINUM PLATINUM PEAK LEGENDARY WEAPON SKIN // XP-54 A limited-edition reward for reaching Platinum League.
Epic S2 PLATINUM-Charm.png PLATINUM S2 PLATINUM EPIC WEAPON CHARM For contestants who reached Platinum League in Season 2.
Epic S2 PLATINUM-Sticker.png PLATINUM S2 PLATINUM EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Platinum League in Season 2.
Legendary S2 GILDED ENFORCER.png GOLD S2 GILDED ENFORCER LEGENDARY WEAPON SKIN // M60 A limited-edition reward for reaching Gold league.
Epic S2 GOLD-Charm.png GOLD S2 GOLD EPIC WEAPON CHARM For contestants who reached Gold league in Season 2.
Epic S2 GOLD-Sticker.png GOLD S2 GOLD EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Gold league in Season 2.
File:Epic S2 SILVER-Charm.png SILVER S2 SILVER EPIC WEAPON CHARM For contestants who reached Silver League in Season 2.
File:Epic S2 SILVER-Sticker.png SILVER S2 SILVER EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Silver League in Season 2.
File:Epic S2 BRONZE.png BRONZE S2 BRONZE EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Bronze League in Season 2.

Image League Name Rarity Type Description
Legendary S1 SHINE.png DIAMOND S1 SHINE LEGENDARY WEAPON SKIN // V9S A limited-edition reward for reaching Diamond League in Season 1.
File:Legendary S1 DIAMOND.png DIAMOND S1 DIAMOND LEGENDARY STICKER For contestants who reached Diamond League in Season 1.
File:Epic S1 PLATINUM.png PLATINUM S1 PLATINUM EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Platinum League in Season 1.
Epic S1 GOLD.png GOLD S1 GOLD EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Gold League in Season 1.
Epic S1 SILVER.png SILVER S1 SILVER EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Silver League in Season 1.
Epic S1 BRONZE.png BRONZE S1 BRONZE EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Bronze League in Season 1.

Image League Name Rarity Type Description
AKM OPEN BETA SHINE Icon.png DIAMOND OPEN BETA SHINE LEGENDARY WEAPON SKIN // AKM A limited-edition reward for reaching Diamond League.
OB Diamond sticker.png DIAMOND OB DIAMOND LEGENDARY STICKER For contestants who reached Diamond League in Open Beta.
OB Platinum sticker.png PLATINUM OB PLATINUM EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Platinum League in Open Beta.
OB Gold sticker.png GOLD OB GOLD EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Gold League in Open Beta.
OB Silver sticker.png SILVER OB SILVER EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Silver League in Open Beta.
OB Bronze sticker.png BRONZE OB BRONZE EPIC STICKER For contestants who reached Bronze League in Open Beta.

Image League Name Rarity Type Description
Sledgehammer CLOSED BETA SHINE Icon.png DIAMOND CLOSED BETA SHINE LEGENDARY WEAPON SKIN // Sledgehammer A limited-edition reward for reaching Diamond League.
CB2 GOOD EGG Icon.png PLATINUM CB2 GOOD EGG LEGENDARY WEAPON CHARM A limited-edition friend. Lifelong bragging rights.
M60 CB2 AURA Icon.png GOLD CB2 AURA EPIC WEAPON SKIN // M60 A limited-edition skin. Lifelong bragging rights.
SR 84 CB2 AURA-Icon.png SILVER CB2 AURA EPIC WEAPON SKIN // SR-84 A limited-edition skin. Lifelong bragging rights.
AKM CB2 AURA-Icon.png BRONZE CB2 AURA EPIC WEAPON SKIN // AKM A limited-edition skin. Lifelong bragging rights.

Image League Name Rarity Type Description
M11 CLOSED BETA SHINE Icon.png DIAMOND CLOSED BETA SHINE LEGENDARY WEAPON SKIN // M11 A limited-edition reward for reaching Diamond League.
Epic CLOSED BETA GRIPS.png GOLD CLOSED BETA GRIPS EPIC HANDS Limited-edition gloves. Lifelong bragging rights.
Epic CLOSED BETA WRISTER.png SILVER CLOSED BETA WRISTER EPIC WRIST A limited-edition accessory. Lifelong bragging rights.
Epic CLOSED BETA CAP.png BRONZE CLOSED BETA CAP EPIC HEADGEAR Limited-edition headwear. Lifelong bragging rights.


Season 3 leaderboard in June 2024

Each season features a public leaderboard, displaying the highest ranked contestants. Once a season ends, that leaderboard is frozen and a new leaderboard is opened. The top 10 contestants from each are highlighted on trophies in the Practice Range.

Season 3

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